01 March, 2007


This may shock you but I think I am in danger of becoming dowdy. I stopped dying my hair a year ago - I was shocked to realise I liked my natural colour ( I hadn't seen it for so long.) I've given up on high heels - they do look nice but I like to walk fast. And i have never manged the art of walking fast (or just walking normally ) in high heels. All my shoes are flat except my going out shoes. But my next going out shoes I'll buy will be flat. I don't have hair straighteners. i don't like wearing low cut tops anymore - I'm worried I'll have some one's eye out.
I do wear make up and perfume. I wash my hair every day and shave my legs. I moisturise. I put on a face pack once a week. I wear nail varnish on special occasions. But I don't make the effort I did when I was younger. I don't think it has to do with being married...most men don't notice what women wear anyway. I think its laziness.


Ruthie said...

possibly, or maybe just comfort??? mmmmmmmmm slippers (Homer moment!)

Anonymous said...

This is a tough one but I'm going to try. Men do notice what women wear but we don't notice when it's not the proper time. Like for example, if I'm going to a race, what the female participants show up wearing is a none factor to me. They are typically dressed for functional reasons. Warmth, quick to put on, comfortable, etc etc. If I were to see one of those same women a week later walking around then what she is then wearing would be noticed.

Simply put, sunday morning, stay in bed and read the paper, don't care; going out on the town, care. ;-)

As for your varnish, I'm sorry I had to laugh. In the US it's called nail polish. ;-)