31 May, 2007

Plan b

Those of you who read Steve's blog will know that he is not a fan of changes to plans. Yesterday we had planned to meet my parents for Sunday lunch. It is their birthdays next week. Mum rang me today and said that Angela had invited herself along (well she didn't put it as rudely as that, I'm paraphrasing.) Angela works Sundays, so instead of lunch at the yacht club, we are all going to the Rosalyn at 7. Which is nice that we will met up (as 'Angela' is short hand for Angela, Dave , Joe and Aaron). Now all I have to tell Steve we are on plan b.
Me: You know we're going for lunch on Sunday.
Steve (suspiciously): yeah
me: Well, Angela is coming now so we're going to Rosalyn instead. In the evening.
Steve: But I was looking forward to lunch.
me (in a get over it tone): Well, yes.
Steve: It won't be late will it?
me: No, the boys have got school the next day.
(Now I don't know if they have got school the next day - but they are 9 and 7 - how late can it be?)
Steve (resigned) Oh ok then.

I sometimes feel that I torment the poor man.

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