26 May, 2007

Mix and match.

Steve wears a gold wedding ring and a stainless steel watch. I commented the other day that it was a pity that I hadn't got him a platinum wedding ring so it would tone in with his watch. Steve looked at me as if I was mad. Real men don't have matching jewellery (apparently). Graham -from -work also wears a stainless steel watch and gold ring. I was was talking to him about it and he said funnily enough his wife offered to buy him a new platinum wedding ring so that it would match his watch. He turned down her kind offer. I asked him why and instead of telling me to mind my own business and to let him get on with his work, he replied it was because he didn't care. It seems we girls do care about mixing gold and silver.
After all these interesting chats I found myself sharing a lift. I noticed that my companion wore a stainless steel watch and a white gold/platinum wedding ring. And do you know what reader - Steve is right - it did look gay.
I also learnt something about myself - I compulsively check out what jewelery people are wearing. And I judge them on their choices.


Ruthie said...

errrr, probably best I don't get involved in the whole "men and gay jewellery" debate!


Unknown said...

"I compulsively check out what jewelery people are wearing. And I judge them on their choices."

-Gulp- I hope we never meet. My wedding band was the cheapest thing they made in the mid 100s; gold. I only wear watches when working or working out and those are Timex Ironmans. (need the stopwatch)

I have a high school ring some where but I never wore it. I don't wear necklaces, other rings, bracelets, nothing. Heck when I going swimming (chlorine), mountain biking (safety issue) or compete in triathlons (might lose it) I don't even wear the wedding band.


Gina said...

Actually Mark - I tend to check out what women are wearing. i don't really like jewelery on men, in much the same way as I'm leary of men who blow dry their hair. Unfair but true.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the matching jewellery thing for women.

My wedding and engagement rings are gold, therefore I don't wear other rings or bracelets that aren't gold. However, I do wear different necklaces or earrings as I think once you get to a different part of the body, it's okay to be at odds.

PS. I hope if/when we meet you won't judge me unkindly on my asda earrings!