28 May, 2007

I got a reply from G A McKevett!!!!

G A Mckevett has a MySpace page and I sent her a fan email as I love her Savannah Reid books. She replied and as I'm such a geek I'm posting her reply here:

Hi Gina!
Of course you can call me G.A. But my real name is Sonja (Sonja Massie) and you can call that, too. :)
How sweet of you to write to me. I do appreciate you taking the time to do that. People are so busy these days!
I'm finishing another Savannah this week, and after that I'm going to get some myspace lessons. A friend of mine, Melinda, set it up for me, and she swears she'll teach me how to use it. Let's see if we can teach an old dog something new. ha
Anyway, thank you for reaching out. I hope you enjoy your books. Let me know if you do. Don't tell me if you don't. I might be PMSing and I'd cry. :)
And I know exactly what you mean about reading books over again. I love re-visiting a good book, like an old friend.
Okay, break's over. Gotta go write.
All the best,
(G.A. McKevett)

What a nice lady.


Ruthie said...

ahhhh, she's lovely

i wonder if Jilly Cooper has a MySpace account?

Gina said...

I haven't managed to find a "real" Jilly Cooper My Space.
I'm still waiting for my reply from James May. I know I'm a sad sack!

Anonymous said...

"Anyway, thank you for reaching out"
Sounds a bit needy, lol.
Watch out she may start stalking...:o)

Gina said...

Good job you didn't see my email to Sonja!

Paula said...

This is why I Lurve Myspace so much, encouraging people to reach out. Just 6/7 years ago, being public, such as writing blog ;-), or sending chat to people we have not/and do not wish to meet was a wacko thing to do. But I have only ever been pleasantly surprised now days by the warmth & genuine communication it seems to evoke in complete strangers. It's a great way forward and breaking down many barrier. Good on you, and what a lovely, amusing and heartfelt response.