10 May, 2007


In case you were wondering what Tommy did when Steve came in - he sulked, (Tom that is not Steve.)
One of my party chores is to get the balloons filled with helium. Mum said that I've got to go in to Clinton's with the deflated balloons and the receipt and they will do it for me. Had visions of being crammed in the car amid loads of balloons.
Me : How many are there?
Mum; 2.
Me: 2!!!Whats the point of 2? All this trouble for 2 balloons!
Mum: Well there are seven pounds each. I couldn't get them with "40" on so I got a "4" and an "0".
Me:So if you could have got one with "40" on, you would have just got one balloon?
Mum (lying through her teeth); No.

So then I ring Angela.

Me: Guess how many balloons Mum's getting for the party?
Angela; No idea - how many?
Angela: 2!!! How she's been going on I thought she was doing a balloon bridge!

Still won't have to worry about getting them all in the car.


Unknown said...

Maybe the balloons are enormous?

Maybe you will have to strap your car to the balloons and float home?

Can you really get a balloon with '0' on it, who are they normaly bought for?

What's the capital of Albania?

oops one question too many!


Gina said...

The ballons are large-ish but not huge.

there is a deflated balloon with "0" on it in my kitchen.

Tirana is the capital of Albania(thank you Wikipedia!)