12 April, 2007


Penny has been limping a bit since the weekend. Steve took her to the vet today and they are 90% sure it is bone cancer. If it is bone cancer we will need to put Penny to sleep. We have to take her back for a check up on 3rd May. The vet isn't optimistic.

I can't believe it. I was going to write about what a great dog Penny is, but I can't at the moment. It feels like I'm writing her obituary when she is still alive. Steve and I are devastated.


Ruthie said...

awwwwww poor Penny, and poor you two, too. She IS a great dog, and I love her to bits (and Tommy, of course)

Thinking of you all

Paula said...

Sorry to hear this about the other member of your family. Fingers crossed for you all. Paula & Gabriel xx

Anonymous said...

I know how awful it is to lose a pet and when they are ill. Lets hope she's in the other 10%
Best wishes and cuddles to Penny


Gina said...

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Gina x

Anonymous said...

At this moment I don't know what should i say? I hope Penny can go through it this time.Just like your friends said she's in the other 10%.My dog(black)had the bone problem,too.Her back legs could have stood up for four months.But we still have a little hope that she will be o.k sooner or later.Buddha blessed them both.(願佛祖保佑她們倆)

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you too, much love to you both and Penny, Mrs M oOXOo