It takes me three steps from my bathroom door to the loo. We have got one little bathroom, there is room for the loo, the sink and the bath. Its the next big spend really - its needs re tiling (Steve painted over the tiles when we first moved but the paint is peeling now)and a new floor. Sharon has got a lovely big bathroom. true, she did rip out the original when she first moved in. She had a dark brown suite - ugh! But now she has got a bright room with lots of storage space for her bits and pieces. her posh Molten Brown bottles are displayed on a glass ledge. I'm jealous of her bathroom, but that is okay because Sharon is jealous of my kitchen. My kitchen is quite big and 2 years ago we had a new kitchen put in. I love my kitchen,lots of storage, some where to sit and I have a display cabinet. A display cabinet - get that! Sharon's kitchen is small, although she has done a good job with it and has cleverly designed it so it looks bigger than it really is - I prefer my kitchen. I just wish I had a bigger bathroom.Ruthie has got a bigger bathroom even though her house is smaller - how jealous am I? Perhaps next time I'll take smaller steps to create an illusion of space.
I have to remind myself of when we first moved here. We never thought we would ever be in a position to buy a house like this and we were so happy. I still am happy, its just occasionally I need to remind myself how lucky I am.
The bathroom suite in my house was brown when I moved in too... eurgh indeed! Always looked dirty, even when it was clean!!!
And my loo is only about 2 steps from the door too - it's just a wider bathroom than yours... and I'd rather have a narrower bathroom, and bigger bedrooms. So there!
There is no way that your loo is 2 steps from the door. I secretly measured it yesterday and it was 5!
it would only be 5 steps if you were measuring in pidgeon steps!!!! no pun intended...
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