23 February, 2007


yesterday we had an enjoyable evening talking got our Transatlantic friend. When we finished the call, mark was going for a run. We told him we would watch a bit of telly and go to bed. (it was about 9.30) An hour and half later those greedy Robbos had stuffed a bumper bag of crisps and a large slab of chocolate between them. Why????? We both had fatty remorse when we woke up this morning. we both had a food hangover.

Was supposed to go out after work this evening but I was in the unusual position of being blown out by everyone else. They all had good excuses, but still..At least the dogs were pleased to see me.


Unknown said...

I officially recuse myself from any and all future talks on the grounds that I may inflict further physical or intellectual imperfection or impairment onto the both of you.

Mr. Clarkson was right, over here we're all just fat, dumb and stupid; and it's catchy.

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Gina said...

I think all that talking made us peckish ;0)