25 February, 2008


Went into Lush (my favourite luxury toiletries shop) to get some stuff for the Mums for Mother's Day. The lady said she popped me some a sample of a complimentary face pack. I'll have that! It turned out to be an Anti Wrinkle face mask. I was shocked as I thought that my chubster face hid the wrinkles! Still used it though - and it was very nice.


Dan said...

It's when people start talking to you with their loud voice so you can hear them, and offering you the LARGE PRINT books... THAT'S when you start to worry ;)

Gina said...

That'll be next year then :0)

Buffy said...

I'm guessing the sales girl put the wrong pack in the bag...surely she could see you didn't need the anti wrinkle mask! :)

p.s. so the cheques in the post? LOL

Gina said...

I think that must have been it Buffy! that is the ONLY possible explanation...