06 August, 2007

Another crush bites the dust..

I was watching telly and the adverts came on. There was an advert for a film with Nathan Fillion in it. Captain Mal *sigh* Imagine my disappointment - he looks like he has wig hair. I don't think it is a wig but that he has dyed his hair wig brown. Now I hope they don't bring Firefly/ Serenity back. Nathan - why?
Ruthie and I were discussing Brangelina. neither of us think Brad is right for her.
Gina: I don't know why she didn't go for George. he's more political.*
Ruthie: And gay.

*Get me talking as if I actually know these people.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...


I stand by our statement, Brad is far to girlie for Angelina! She needs someone tougher, more passionate, and more political!

And as for Captain Mal, I simply cannot believe he would do anything so uncool!!!! He must've been contractually obliged to do that!!!