15 September, 2007


I had a pleasant surprise today. Since I've been working in London I have been making pack lunches. its not too bad once you get into the swing of it and it is surprising the lack of choice you have if you don't eat fish. Readers will be aware after the "fish pie" incident I have finally become a "proper" vegetarian - even though it is because I am scared of the fish. Also I have a stomping 15-20 minute walk to and from work. Although Ben can walk it in 11 minutes. But then I suspect he was wearing heelies at the time. Anyhow the point of this rambling is that I was going through my jewelry box. When I was about 22 (23?) Angela and Dave bought me a gold ring for my birthday or was it Christmas? It is a gold band about half an inch thick with a overlapping circle engraved on it. It is lovely and I used to wear it on my middle finger. It had always been a snug fit fit and when I took it to a jewellers to get it made a bit bigger, he said, no it was the right size. He was adamant so I accepted it. Over the years I got chubbier and I haven't been able to wear it. I couldn't get it on my middle finger and it was too loose for my ring finger and anyway my ring fingers are already spoken for. Yes reader - you have guessed what I'm going to say, I tried it on today and it fits! I cleaned it and it sparkles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyy!!! Well done you!! All that walking is paying off then, eh? I'm impressed :-) xXx