18 September, 2007

Itchy and Scratchy*

Robboworld - flea world more like. Tom has had loads and I've been bitten (it looks like my legs have got some sort of pox.) Because greyhounds have a weird body size/fat ratio you have to be really careful what flea treatments you give them otherwise they can get really ill. The Greyhound vet recommended some stuff that we ordered on the Internet, it finally came through today. hurray!!!We gave Tom his treatment and then has a industrial strength flea spray for the house. Keep your fingers crossed because none of the other stuff we have tried has worked. it is pretty disgusting, as we're finding lots of dead fleas, which I suppose proves it is working - but makes me feel itchy.

We're saw the Bourne Ultimatum. Really good although I sniggered when they say to Bourne "You really don't remember do you?" Duh- that is the whole point of the films!

*The best thing about this blog entry is the title.


Anonymous said...

OMG! That's put me back to two times I've moved house. In each new pad it was flea ridden. They LOVED me, I was bitten to pieces. I remember climbing out the bath, putting my foot on the floor and all these black specs suddenly appeared on my leg - the fleas had got me again. I had to get the council in TWICE in one flat to fumigate the place, and my parents ripped up the carpets and took them down the dump. In my next home, the house I have now, I had new carpets laid and they were full of fleas!! Had to get the council in again to fumigate. This is the reason I just can't even have animals - I have a phobia of getting fleas again! Good luck - hope what you're doing works. xXx

Gina said...

Poor you- very unlucky to get fleas in a new carpet.
re the pet thing - perhaps that is why Ruthie has tortoises ;0)