23 September, 2007

300th Blog

I'm amazed that this is my 300th entry. When I started my blog I hadn't realised how addictive it is.My blog is coming up to its 1st birthday. How time flies.

We spent the yesterday evening over Angela's. It was nice because Dave wasn't working, for a change, so we got to see him. Barry - from -across- the - road popped over. Barry is involved in the Spiritualist Church, he doesn't accept any money for readings but does charity nights for cancer. I think Barry must be in his seventies. I've never met him before, but Angela has told me about him. He can read auras. Barry has freaked out Dave a few times, telling him that he is stressed and he need to be careful of his knees. He has told Angela a few things that has struck a cord as well. Anyway I met Barry last night. I'm standing in the porch with Angela.We thought the knock on the door was the Chinese delivery and I was going to help her. Instead of a take away I get an impromptu reading. it was weird because a, I wasn't expecting it and b, I had had 2 glasses of wine.

Barry: You've got a good aura. Purple -that's positive.
Gina (not sure how to respond):Thank you.
Barry: You're thinking of moving aren't you?
Gina:Well i was, but we're going to stay put.
When I was looking to work in London, we did think about moving closer to London but decided against it.
Barry: You're very hard on yourself
Angela: OH MY GOD SHE IS!!!YOU ARE GINA - you are hard on yourself!
Barry: And you're impatient
Angela:OH MY GOD SHE IS IMPATIENT!!!!!Barry I get nervous if I'm out with her and she has to wait. She is so impatient. (turns to me) You are impatient.
Gina is laughing by this point.
Barry: You're well thought of at work I can seeing you getting a promotion.
I don't see myself being promoted, but I am trying to sort my pay at work- I think Barry may be referring to this.
Barry: I can see you studying. Something to do with work.
I think this refers to the Creative writing courses I do.
Barry: have you got children?
Gina: No.
Barry: There's children in spirit. They're drawn to you. There is something about you ..that draws them to you.
Gina: Oh.
Barry; I'd love to spend an hour with you- well I'd better go. Nice to meet you.
Gina and Angela : Bye Barry.
Angela What did he mean by that?
Gina:I have no idea.

1 comment:

ocean said...

I like to listen to this just for funny. Am I a gossip person? In Chinese we explain that this situation is 天機不可洩. I can't translate it exactly but probaly means that a hidden design of fate should not to make known. Mybe you should find the answer by yourself.