16 August, 2009

We Love the NHS

In the news this week there has been a big furore about a Tory MEP slagging off the NHS. He was in America speaking in a Republican do. Apparently lots of Americans are getting worried about Obama's proposed health reforms.
But my question is- even those Americans who have health insurance - what happens if you have a long term condition? When does the insurance run out? I'm thinking of my diabetic Dad, my Mum with her weird eye problem (she has been under Moorfields hospital for nearly 20 years). What if you have a child with special needs? What about when the special needs child is an adult how does that work under the American health care system?
I think that MEP may have won Gordon Brown the next election. Oh and BTW I love the NHS.


Unknown said...

Americans are not getting worried we are 100% beyond worried, concerned and terrified at what our president wants to do with our nation as a whole. From health care to prolife issues to how he is buying private businesses (automakers) to how he doesn't want any news outlets to question his decisions.

At present, if you have a current health issue you are taken care of until healed or you pass away. Go back and listen to what our president said about his own mother. He questioned whether his mother should have hip surgery because she already had cancer and was going to pass away in the near future anyway. If this doesn't send shivers done everyone's spine who values life from it's creation to its natural ending nothing will.

As an American I am already counting down the days till I can vote for another president. My only fear is that I will have nothing better to pick from.

Gina said...

I am glad that you replied - as I often wondered how the American health care system worked. It is interesting what you say about Obama, as generally he gets a very positive press here.