16 August, 2009


I've been watching True Blood . I started to read the Charlaine Harris books few years back and liked them. In fact I think they were the first modern vampire books I read. I borrowed them from the library, so don't have them to hand - but I remember the books being a tad less sexual than the series. In fact all the sex is really slowing the story line in the TV series. And, forgive the pun, I don't remember Jason having such a big part in the first book...still I'll keep watching. It is funny, sharp and sexy.
Tom got me up at 3am. He then wandered around the garden for 20 minutes!!! It is no good calling him up because if he hasn't finished his "business" he 'll only want to be let back out. And it wasn't too bad as I didn't have to get up this morning. It will be a different story if he tries that again tonight. Dogs!
I got a letter from the little girl that we sponsor. Maria tells us about the beautiful new latrines that have been built in her school. She ends with: This is all I write to you. I expect an answer to this letter.
I'm getting bossed about by my sponsor child. I always answer her letters. Now I'm too scared not to.

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