07 October, 2008

Wot I'm reading

I am reading The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas . I first discovered Scarlett Thomas  a few years ago through her Lily Pascale crime series. They were 3 in total, but I read on her website that she didn't feel comfortable with the crime genre, so she won't be writing any more.  I liked Lily, she was how I liked to have been when I was in my early 20s , cool and independent. her own woman. Lily was  half French- I'd love to be half French and fluent in the language , rather than wholly English with one useless French O level (how can you learn a language for 5 years, get a qualification in it and still not be able to speak it or understand it? How?) I remember in one scene Lily is asked if she has got any chocolate and she thinks she may have some Green and Black in the fridge. And I thought yeah there are the girls that buy Green and Black and the girls who buy Cadburys. Guess which one I am.
I've read her other books, Going out, Popco, Bright Young Things. I didn't like Going out so much, but I think that's because I just finished Lily Pascale and the book was completely different from what I was expecting. I'm enjoying The End Of Mr Y. Auriel, the heroine , doesn't have much money. She lives in a freezing cold flat without any nice things. Auriel follows what interests her. She hasn't joined the rat race. Now I have joined the rat race, and given the current economic climate I very much want to stay there.  The idea of not having a nice warm home, my ornaments, my candles, my  treasures makes me feel ill. I'm more than happy to get up very early, work hard in a job that no one has ever had a burning ambition to do in order that I can afford the life style I have.
I do recommend Scarlett's books. I won't say much about them because I don't want to spoil them for you, but they do make you think.

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