05 July, 2008

Doctor Who

Just to say the episode hasn't aired yet, but I hope that there is a new Doctor. I think David Tennant is good as the Doctor but it would be brilliant to be truly surprised by a show. At the moment no one knows for certain what will happen and I think that is rare in this internet age. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch the final episode tonight as to my huge surprise it seems that I do have something called a social life.


Unknown said...

HI Gina, you have must have got the news David stayed on in fact we had double whammy from Doctor who this time, yes two doctors..But Donna's memory is all erased..

Unknown said...

Hey Gina, David Tennant was indeed a good doctor, well u must have got the plot by now. The doctor indeed stayed on infact we had a double whammy from Doctor, yes there were doctor who's..

Paula said...

Hi Gina, what a cracking episode...Ruthie did warn me...actually it's the little one who likes Dr ???

Hope you are well, love popping by your blog...so glad you have kept it going xx

Take care