13 January, 2008

Stolen from Dan

Do you talk in your sleep?

- Whats your favorite colour jelly?
I don't like jelly.

- Whats the song that's getting on your nerves right now?
Wind beneath my wings. i hate that song.

- Current Crush?
mr Robbo.

- Whats your favourite colour?

- Window or aisle seat?

- Ever met anyone famous?
I once saw Ross kemp on a train. He didn't look very approachable..

- Do you feel you've had a truly successful life?
Yep. I'm still here and still sane. Not bad at all.

- Do you Twirl or Cut your spaghetti?
Twirl and stuff it in my mouth.

- Dr Phil or Oprah Winfrey?
Mmmn neither. Although I once watched Sylvia Browne on Montel Williams. WTF?

- Basketball or Football?

- How long do your showers last?
I don't have a shower. I have a bath instead.

- Do you know how to drive a car?

- Are you Self-conscious?
Not really.

- Have you ever given money to a bum?

- Where do you wish you were?
Happy where I am, thanks.

- Have you ever ridden in an Ambulance?
No, but i have ridden in a police car.

- Can you Tango
No. When I dance I wave my hands in the air, like I just don't care.

- Last gift you received?
A rug from my sister (it was the last Christmas present I unwrapped)

- Last sport you played?
OMG! Netball when I was 16!

- Things you spend money on?
Disposable income is spent on candles, books and facials.

- Favourite fast food restaurant?

- Most hated food?
I don't really hate any food - apart from marmite.

- Can you sing?
Only in my head.

- Last person you called?
Angela - to check the boys haven't already got what I've bought them for their birthdays.

- Whats your least favourite chore?
Cleaning the bathroom.

- Favourite drink?
Non-Boozy: diet coke
Boozy: red wine

- Are you a Vegetarian?

- Do you believe in Heaven?
I do now.

- Do you miss someone?
Very much so

- Have you ever come close to dying?
No, never seen that white light , thank goodness.

- Are you eating?
just finished a cup of tea, but you've caught me in a rare moment of NOT eating.

- Do you eat the stems off broccoli?

- Do you wear makeup?
Yes, as an act of kindness to people that have to look at me.

- Whats your worst fear?

- Would you ever have plastic surgery?

- What do you wear to bed?
My wedding ring

- Have you ever done anything illegal?
Oh no.

- Do you ever want to get married?
I am.

- What kind of trainers do you usually wear?
I don't wear trainers, I've got a pair of Addis trainers but they rub my feet.

- Future childs names?
Gina Junior.

- Do you snore?
Only when poordy.

- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Alaska and see the whales. I've never seen a whale in the wild.

- Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Only if I can't sleep. Then its Panda time. In my photo, you can see Panda behind the bed head.

- If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
I would ask the lottery people if they're sure as I don't play the lottery.

- Gold or Silver?

- Hamburger or hotdog?

- If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

- What was the last thing you touched?
Aside from my keyboard, my cup that I was drinking the tea from.

- Where did you eat last?
In the living room

- When was the last time you cried?
A few months ago when the car got written off.

- Do you read other peoples blogs?
Of course!

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