28 January, 2008


I fell down like a ton of bricks today. I was leaving work, so I had a spring in my step, and the next thing I know I was lying on my side, assuring concerned bystanders that I was ok. I was a bit scared of walking after that.
Falling over reminded me of learning to ride a bike. I must have been about 4. This was in the 70s so they're weren't any safety precautions like helmets. I can remember crashing off the bike and just getting back on. I don't ever remember being scared,although Dad said after one fall I kicked the bike and shouted "That bike is a fidget!" Aah how cute was I?
I learnt to roller skate on "roller boots". This was the early 80s. I don't remember falling over much. I used to be able to do circles and skate backwards. Then Angela broke her arm really badly and I completely lost my nerve.
The last time I fell over I was walking the dogs down a - well hill is a huge exaggeration- a slope but better describe it. One second I was at the top, next second I was on my bum with two concerned dogs, dog breathing all over my face. I don't think they fell with me, they just trotted a bit faster. In fact both dogs were "Let's do that again!"
Anyway my right thigh is sore and I think they'll be a big bruise there tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Ha, we'll both have one together. While mountain biking yesterday I slipped on some ice and down I went. I have a nice black and blue spot on my right hip.

My friends laughed and then quickly went down them self. We all laughed and wondered if our wives would have any sympathy for us. ;-)

Gina said...

At least you were having fun!

Nice snow fort by the way. It was nice if Zack to let you help him

laurie said...

man, i fell on the ice last winter--just, BAM! down i went, HARD. i hadn't even realized i was stepping out onto ice, so it was a huge surprise.

i felt foolish. i felt bruised.

hope your thigh is better quickly. egos sometimes take a little longer.

Gina said...

Yes foolish and bruised describes it! In fact sounds like a good name for my blog: Foolish and bruised. ;0)

Dan said...

Yikes, hope you're all better now.

I'm always falling over. I trip on anything in my way - pebbles, a sock, my shadow. I'm been called an accident prone klutz, but I don't believe it for a secon *trip thud*

Anonymous said...

Ooouchie... that's gotta hurt. Hope the bruise isn't too big! xXx