03 February, 2010

Looks and Geeks

Someone once said to me that I didn't care what people looked like. She stated this as a fact about me. eg Gina has hazel eyes, is 5 foot 8 and doesn't care what people look like That took me by surprise. Did she mean that I had extraordinarily ugly people as friends. Was she insinuating that I was no oil painting but it didn't seem to get me down? That I had let myself go?
I didn't take it too seriously- after all you have to consider the source - but I think it is truer to say that I am drawn to the nerds and geeks. I've had some of the most interesting conversations with the wall flower or the nerd.I really enjoy talking to people that have a passion or an interest. As I'm nosey it is nice to draw people out of their shell. Although that could be because I, myself a nerdy wallflower and I appreciate it when people take the effort to get to know me...

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