22 February, 2010

700th post

This is my 700th post! In an odd way I feel quite proud. I know some posts are just blog quizzes but even so..700!
So I can't think of 700 things but here are 7 things I like about blogging:
1.We would never have gone on our lovely holiday to Wales, if I hadn't blogged, as I got the link from AOJ and The Lurchers.
2. It is interesting looking back to see what I was doing this time last year/2/3 years ago.
3. It is a buzz when I get comments.
4.It is a good way to let off steam.
5.I like to think I've made some bloggy friends - especially Ocean Jen!
6. it has got me reading other blogs. I've picked up some good recipes and book suggestions.
7. It has given me an interest.

1 comment:

ocean said...

I am flattered by you mentioned that i am your bloggy friend. I like reading your easily understanding blog and not artificial manner. Congratulations on your 700th post!