01 October, 2009

3 years and counting.

This blog is 3 years old. Ah bless, little toddler blog. I may have flirted with Facebook and Twitter but blogger is still my first love.
You will be pleased to know that the new fish are still alive. Yay little fishes!
Today I posted my first ever Amazon review. It was for Kelley Armstrong's Living with the Dead. I was going to review it here, but I thought - no be brave and post a review where people are actually likely to read it.
Being brave .... I've noticed that as I get older I get more nervous. Travelling to and from Edinburgh was a bit of a worry to me. Will someone try and sit in our reserved seats (they did and I dealt with it - no biggy), will our suit case get pinched? will it fit on the luggage rack? All silly little niggles, but I did worry. When I was 23 me and my rucksack trundled round Asia and Australia. Sure I worried a bit before I went- but not that much. That's why I really believe as you get older you need to shake things up now and then. Go somewhere different, look for new jobs, vary the routine, say yes to stuff when you'd rather say no. It is so easy to get stuck in a comfortable rut , close down and stay safe. And when I play safe, I don't feel safe. I feel under siege.

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