22 May, 2008

he and me

I stole this from a SidewaysLook
How long did you date?
We met in November 96 and married in February 99.
How old is he?
He is 38.
Who eats more?
Steve does, but I drink more more than he does.
Who said “I love you” first?
Who is taller?
Steve. he's 6 foot 3 and a half.
Who sings better?
Oh Steve does. But then anyone sings better than me. Even Posh Spice.
Who is smarter?
We're about the same. he can add up where I can't.
Whose temper is worse?
I think it may be me.
Who does the laundry?
Who does the dishes?
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
i do . i think. I'm not good with left and right. Ah Steve has just confirmed it. I do sleep on the right. I think he is smarter than me.
Who pays the bills?
We both do.
Who cooks dinner?
me or the Chinese takeaway.
.Who drives when you are together?
I don’t drive, so that’d be him.
Who is more stubborn?
I don't think either of us is stubborn.
Who asked who out first?
We met on a blind date.
Who kissed who first?
He did. I think. I was a bit sozzled actually.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
Me. Even when I'm right!
Whose parents do you see the most?
It evens out, but we're seeing mine more at the moment because they have Sky sports.
Who proposed?
Neither of us did. which is strange when you think about it..
Who is more sensitive?
It depends. I think my sense of humour is more evil.
Who has more friends?
Steve does.
Who has more siblings?
Steve has 2 brothers and I have one sister.
Who wears the pants in the family?
The dog.

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