14 May, 2008

Auras part2.

I've re-read the last post and its a bit -bleuh. I;ll describe the evening and hopefully it wil lread better.
Barry held the workshop in his conservatory, there was 15 of us there. Barry was helped by Barbara- dishing out drinks, making sure everyone was comfortable etc.It was a mixture of ages, mainly women. There were 3 men there, 2 of whom wore pony tails. We were all given a chart. On it was a woman and her chakras were marked along her body. barr ygave a talk of what chakras meant and their associated colours. Then he asked us to colour in the chart with the colours we thought we had. Most of us found this difficult. Barry told us to relax and listen to ourselves. then he went round the group, one by one. It was quite funny the way he told people that they had got in wrong ("Angela you are never bronze! What made you think that ?"), or the colours clashed or was impossible. He also threw in readings....he knew that I had been depressed, that I had changed jobs.
After he had wowed us all, we broke for tea and biscuits. Then we were invited to do a flower reading, we had been asked to bring a flower along ...although Angela and I had forgotten, so Barbara gave us a flower when we came in. Now how can you read a flower? How can that tell you anything about some one? Well Barry did! He then "made" us in turn attempt to give a flower reading. We had to pick a flower we were drawn to and listen to our spirit guide. barry believes that we all have guides. Jokingly I said to Barry where was mine, and he answered - right behind you. I didn't do very well at that, but Angela did.
Then we had a raffle. It was odd the mixture of mysticism and a very English social evening, but it did make it al lseem less strange.
Then we had to split into pairs. We had to introduce ourselves and imagine the other's name above their head. See what colours it suggested to us and what we felt that meant. As ever, I was the odd one out and I was paired with Barbara. We sat opposite holding hands. holding hands! I don't even hold Steve's hand. I went first. Barbara told me to concentrate and try to see with my "third eye" She suggested closing my (real) eyes. Now Barbara was wearing white trousers and a blue top, so I don't know if this influenced me. After much concentration (Economics A level was easier) I saw the number BARBARA in blue letters with a white mist around the letters. In the holes of the a and b I saw a yellowy green. Now what does mean? She told me to ask my spirit guide . This took a leap of faith as I didn't believe that I had a spirit guide. After much gut wrenching concentration ( and it felt like it came from my gut) I thought that she was probably a teacher, interested in nature, a very confident, calm person.
Then it was Barbara's turn. She told me that she was a teacher of sorts, a medium. that the white mist was excellent as her spirit guide is Egyptian and that they are represented by mist. Then she gave me a reading. She said that my grandmother was there, a very short , very plump lady. that is my Mum's Mum, Nanny Emma. I was amazed as she never liked me and Angela at all, obviously I didn't say that to Barbara. Barbara said that she wanted to say sorry. That made me feel very happy. Barbara mentioned Joan, who is my Mum's elder sister, She said she was at peace and happy, she had been ready to go. That was good to hear as Joan had been very ill and had suffered a lot. Barbara then went on to say that animals are drawn to me and that my spirit guide is a China man.
I know that this may seem strange, I totally believe my dead grandmother has apologised to me but I'm freaked out by having a spirit guide. Not freaked exactly ..more puzzled.As I said in the earlier post all this for £5.50. To me it demonstrates Barry's and Barbara's genuine-ness and generosity.
In the previous post I've linked to Barry's site and there are details of his workshops there.


Chicken Lisa said...

This sounds like just the wacky thing that I love to do! Sometimes I get it, other times it does seem like a load of rubbish. I'm always suprised when they come up with something 'bang on' though.. Clicking on the link as we speak....

Gina said...

That's exactly how I feel -that evening I totally got it.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

It sounds amazing...did you get anything from it, personally?

I know what you mean about spirit guides. I have one but I think he is someone I knew. At least, his spirit is often with me. I'm told I have another as well but I'm not sure I'm ready to go there just yet. The thought of having someone looking over your shoulder at everything you do is a little disconcerting to say the least.

Gina said...

I think the evening made me feel that there may be something to it.
Gina x