12 November, 2006


Feel a lot more relaxed these days, less driven- ie don't feel guilty having a lie in. I love having a lie in, snuggling under the duvet. I'm not hurting anyone (well perhaps Steve but consenting adults and all that...) so I don't know why I feel guilty. i read somewhere (somewhere proper like the The Times or the Telegraph) that too much sleep shortens your life. What? How ? Why?

Finally watched '5by2' - well read would be more accurate as it is a sub titled French film. (something else to feel bad about - between the ages of 11 and 16 i learnt French, i have an O level in it, which is practically a degree these days - and I can't understand French). Its about the break up of a marrage told backwards - so first you see them at the lawyers and at the end of the film it is how they met. Obviously it wasn't a barrel of laughs, but it did make me think. i think it was about how easy it is to be in love when things are going well, when you're happy. Don't watch the film if you are trying to give up smoking as they were lighting up all the time. Which brings me nicely to "Thank you for smoking" - no one lit up at all and it was all about cigarettes. it was v funny and had actors in it that should be more famous than they are.

Tried to post a (long rambling) message to Mark's blog and it wouldn't let me. I was forbidden. mark had gone a bit mad with his filters (well that his story..) but it got me thinking. Is this how friendships end in the 21st century - they just filter you out? i was amazed when I heard that people get dumped by text. In my day it was bad form to be dumped over the phone, they used to invire you out for a drink and you would get dumped as you sat and sipped a diet coke.


Anonymous said...

Ummmm, unless you changed what you had typed originally, I entered your comment without issue. ;-)

As for filtering out friends, happens all the time to me when I try to post comments on other's people's blog. I don't blame them for their strict filtering but the idiot spammers who have ruined it for everyone.

Regarding being dumped in a less then personal manner, I fully blame the feminists for this one. There was a day when I would make the drive and do it in person. But after one of the girls took a swing (missed) at me I started calling to test the waters so to speak. Most told me over the phone they didn't want to see me and that it would be best if I stayed home. One of my friends called to find out if she was home and she figured it out and blow up. Showed up at his front door ready for a physical confrontation. Thankfully he just called the police and never saw here again.

I'm married to a wonderful women and don't have to deal with that crap anymore but the stories I hear lead me to believe I if not for Lucy I would remain single.

Gina said...

I think that American gals may be a bit more forthright than their English cousins. i suppose this is where the famous stiff upper lip comes in- you mustn't show people have upset you, you see.
I never thought you were anti feminist Mark - its like anything - there is always some that give it a bad name. Feminism to me is that the sexes have equality of opportunity and respect.