07 March, 2011

I heart blogger

I have been keeping this blog since 2006. I've enjoyed blogging - making blog friends, and feeling that I've made a connection.
I do my best to keep it light - I have a special diary for all my worries and weird feelings (now that is a name for a blog!) that I keep private. I don't blog as much as I used to , but I like knowing it is there and if I feel the need I can type away. Blogging is still my favourite social network. Face book is too public for me, and although I do like reading Twitter, 140 characters is not quite enough.


The Book Nut said...

It's great isn't it? There are so many people who get into these blog challenges and then seem to struggle to complete it. I'm like you, it's there if I have something to write but only when I want to! It is a great outlet for me!

I enjoy your random posts about whatever! Keep it up! :)

Gina said...

Thanks Book Nut x