15 June, 2009


I have had five dogs: a rescue mongrel, a lab cross, a Jack Russell and, of course the greyhounds Penny and Tommy. And the greyhounds are the only dogs I've had that can't cope with thunder. The others didn't like it much, they'd look fed up. Penny used to go mad, panting, destructive (she'd try to dig through the carpet). Tom whines, won't eat and won't settle.
Are all greyhounds like this?


Aoj and The Hounds said...

My greyhound is fine, he just barks at the thunder. One Lurcher doesn't bat an eyelid. And the other Lurcher? A complete and utter wreck.

Alex said...

Well not ALL greyhounds. Hero does not bother getting worked up over anything. Seriously, not ANYTHING!
Not cats, squirrels, the vacuum cleaner, thunderstorms or toys/ balls of any kind. Only the sight of us getting his leash out gets him crazy- and then only until we actually start walking.
But I would hardly consider him your typical greyhound :-)
One of the other blogs has mentioned putting a T-shirt on her greyhounds -wrapped up tight. You might try that.

Gina said...

I'll try the t shirt thing next time - is it the scent that calms them?

Alex said...

I know that it has to be snug- to help them feel secure. The scent probably helps too. Here's the link: