27 September, 2008

I'm Back

We've just come back from our holiday in Wales and to be honest am a bit down in the dumps because I loved it. We've taken the dogs on holiday with us before, but to be honest it hasn't been as relaxing as it could be. this is because the garden wasn't dog proof, the dogs couldn't get upstairs and you couldn't leave then unattended.  However Little Dumpledale Farm is completely dog friendly, nice settees with throws over then for dogs to snooze on, a dog proof garden, a little conservatory that (the one time we left Tom) we felt happy leaving him and he had the safe garden to roam in. We ok'd first with Carol and Trevor - who are very laid back, and friendly.  I admit we were extremely lucky with the weather - it didn't rain once. We had days out in Tenby and St David's but we mainly relaxed. At least Steve relaxed after he made the fire each day....it is so much easier to flick a switch!
When we were in St David's a Welsh woman asked me directions, I laughed and said that I thought she was more local than I was, but she didn't find it funny.
Learnt some Welsh by reading the (large) road signs - Awfan is slow, ysgol is school and Dim is no. At least I think they are.


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Glad you had such a good time! Carol and Trevor are so lovely!

We're off in a few weeks to stay at Four Acres and I'm so looking forward to it!

Gina said...

Carol showed us round Four Acres and it is lush!! I'd bag the bedroom that overlooks the garden if I were you ;0)

Anonymous said...

Tommy, I am happy to know you had a nice holiday with your family. I think you could run freely in the farm not only on the blog.