01 January, 2011

New Year

New Years Day 2000, staying at the Murphys, I watched The Matrix on dvd. I had a pounding hangover and thought my head would explode, but got so engrossed in the film I forgot about the hangover. I had never seen anything like it. The special effects! DVD was so much better than video. I watched it on a wide screen telly, which was cutting edge in those days.
New Year's Eve 2010. Steve and I stay in. I drink a modest few glasses of wine. Earlier that day Steve had bought a PS3 and Inception on a Blu Ray disc. We watch the film on our HD telly and the sound is THX. I have never seen or heard anything like it.
Wonder what 2020 will be like! Will we have all gone 3D or is that just a fad?
By the way, today I woke up fairly early, no hangover!


The Book Nut said...

The Matrix was the best!!

In 2020 it will be virtual reality and we'll get to pick which character we want to be in the movie! Or maybe not. :)

Here's to sticking around to find out! :) Happy 2011!

Gina said...

Happy New Year Book Nut!
The matrix was the best - I just wished it didn't have those awful sequels.