14 November, 2010

I Knew it!

You Are a Geek

You love to learn, especially when it's about technology. No subject is too obscure for you.

You enjoy tinkering with things to see how they work. You aren't a traditional learner either... you need to hack around to figure things out.

You may have the brains to be a super rich Silicon Valley geek, but you're truly content to have your own favorite projects, subjects, and toys.

For you, being a geek is not about the glory. It's about a love of digging deep and truly understanding the world.


The Book Nut said...

I was just browsing through Blogger profiles that share some of my book interests and stumbled across you. This post made me laugh because it so perfectly describes me! I am a geek to the core! Fortunately my wife loves me anyway! :)

Here's to being a geek and loving it!! :)

Chicken Lisa said...

The 'geek' ladys' picture looks very much like your picture...huummm

Gina said...

mmn, she does a bit doesn't she lol!